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Page Sponsorship Information

Divorce Headquarters offers a Web Page Sponsorship Program for our paid directory listing members. Throughout DivorceHQ.com there are numerous informational pages covering a broad range of divorce related subject matters. DivorceHQ.com Page Sponsorships are exclusive ads that can only be placed on select informational pages.

Sponsorships are on a "first come first serve" basis.

By sponsoring a page you will have a banner (250 x 75) on the page of your choice from our list of available pages. Your banner will be linked to your web site or your free profile page on DivorceHQ.com. These are not rotating banners. There will be a maximum of three sponsors per page.

By joining our Web Page Sponsorship Program, you are able to reach a large, qualified audience and increase the exposure to your firm by having your banner at the top of the sponsored page.

If you already have a banner ad we can use that. If not we can design one for you at no charge that will coordinate with the look of your website.

To participate in this program you must be a professional member in good standing on DivorceHQ.com.

Annual Cost of Sponsorship
Page Cost
Alimony $375.00
Articles $150.00
Child Support $375.00
Child Support Calculator $500.00
Child Support Enforcement $225.00
Children's Bill of Rights $225.00
Collaborative Divorce $225.00
Collecting From Deadbeats $150.00
Court Room Tips $225.00
Custody $300.00
Directory of Attorneys $225.00
Directory of Mediators $225.00
Directory of Services $150.00
Divorce $250.00
Do Your Own Divorce $225.00
Domestic Violence $150.00
Do's and Don'ts $300.00
FAQ's $300.00
Financial Issues $225.00
Grandparent Rights $225.00
Hiring an Attorney $150.00
Humor $225.00
Insurance $150.00
Mediation $200.00
Selling Your Home $150.00
Separation Agreement $300.00
Support Groups $300.00
Tax Considerations $150.00
Terminology $150.00
Visitation $225.00
Working with Attorneys $150.00

* -        Page is fully sponsored. You can request to be on a waiting list.

Don't forget, Sponsorships are on a first come first serve basis so don't wait to join or you may miss out on this outstanding opportunity.

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Child Support Calculator

Do not take any actions based upon the information contained within this web site without first consulting an attorney or an appropriate professional depending upon the content of the information.