divorce Divorce HQ attorneys lawyers

Divorce Headquarters

The source for all divorce needs including attorneys / lawyers, mediators, free child support calculator,
child support enforcement, alimony, child custody, visitation, separation agreements, and specialized divorce professionals.


Find A Divorce Attorney

A directory of divorce attorneys listed by state and county.

Hiring an Attorney

What to look for when choosing a divorce attorney.

Working with Attorneys

What you need to know and do to get the most out of your attorney while keeping control of your future.


Find A Divorce Mediator

A directory of divorce mediators listed by state and county.


Describes what divorce mediation is and what it takes to be a good candidate for mediation. Takes you through the various stages of mediation, and what you need to know when going through the process.



The decision to file for a divorce is just the first step in what can be a complicated process. There are many aspects to be considered.

Frequently Asked Questions

A state by state list of divorce FAQ's supplied by divorce professionals.

Divorce Articles

Articles written by divorce professionals covering custody, child support, cheating spouse, alimony, mediation, collaborative process, domestic violence, post divorce modification and much more.

Gray Divorce

While not a new phenomenon the divorce rate among people over 50 has doubled in the past twenty years. The issues faced by those over 50 getting divorced are different than those divorcing in their 20's, 30's and 40's.

Limited Scope Representation (LSR)

Select specific services to be provided rather than the "full package" of services that are traditionally offered by law firms.

Same Sex Divorce

Same sex divorce and the legal issues that can arise for same sex couples seeking a divorce including recent developments in marriage equality laws.

Military Divorce

The exact language used in dividing a servicemember's military retired pay can have a large financial impact on the parties.

State Divorce Information

State by state divorce laws addressing such issues, as grounds for divorce, residency requirements, division of property, child custody, child support, and alimony or spousal support.

Do Your Own Divorce?

What you need to know and consider before deciding to do your own divorce.

Prenuptial Agreements

Prenups can cover assets, personal property, employee benefit plan, pension and retirement accounts.

Post Divorce Modification and Enforcement

Just because your divorce is finalized doesn’t mean things can’t change.

Divorce Humor

Something to help keep the blues away.

Support Groups

A listing by state of Support Groups that deal with the issues of divorce.


Cheating and Infidelity

Information developed by a private investigator on what to look for and what to do if you suspect your spouse of cheating or infidelity.

How to Hire a Private Investigator

If you're thinking of using a private investigator here's how to choose the right one for your case.


Collaborative Divorce

If you are contemplating a divorce but want to avoid the fault finding, fighting and conflict that is bound to occur in the adversarial system, then this alternative might be for you.

Collaborative Organizations

A directory of Collaborative professional organizations which are groups of multi-disciplinary professionals committed to resolving divorce cooperatively.


Alimony / Spousal Support

Comprehensive guide to the different types of alimony, including the criteria generally used in the determination and amount of alimony, and tax issues.

Child Support

Guide to understanding child support payments, and the criteria used in determining the amount of payments and the possible consequences of non payment.

Financial Planners

Find a financial planner who specializes in analysis of marital assets to be split in a divorce in your state.

Collecting from a Deadbeat

Several ways to collect your child support from a deadbeat.

Child Support Enforcement

Links to the individual state's child support enforcement's web site.

Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act

Under the DPPA the federal government has the ability to prosecute any individual that willfully refuses to pay child support.

Selling Your Home

See the different options when it comes to splitting the marital residence.

Separation Agreements

What is a separation agreement and what it needs to include.

Financial Considerations in Divorce

Financial issues including Social Security, Wills, Credit Reports, Retirement, Bankruptcy.

Tax Considerations

Covers the tax implications of divorcing and how to prepare yourself before any problems arise.


Insurance as it relates to divorce.


Domestic Violence

Domestic violence crosses ethnic, racial, age, national origin, sexual orientation, religious and socioeconomic lines.

Court Room Tips

Preparation for your day in Court.

Do's & Don'ts

Outlines the many pitfalls and traps we all fall into when going through the divorce process.


Common legal divorce terminology defined in plain English.

Free Child Support Calculator

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Free Child Support Calculator

Free child support calculator for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Divorce Inventory Tool

When divorcing you will be required to provide an inventory of the marital and non marital possessions. Our divorce inventory program is a FREE confidential tool to track your possessions.


Child Custody

Reviews the different types of child custody. The emotional (for both child and parent) and financial points of view of a custody battle are also discussed including court ordered professional custody evaluations.


Covers the many aspects of visitation including schedules, vacations, and holidays.

Telling the Children

Telling the kids you're getting a divorce is probably one of the hardest things you will have to do. Even in the best of situations divorce is not easy, but if handled correctly parents can make the transition less stressful for the children and therefore themselves.

Grandparent's Rights to Visitation

Explains the issues of a grandparent's right to visitation with their grandchildren when the child's parents divorce.

Children's Bill of Rights

Children's feelings and rights are too often neglected. This section deals with the basic rights of all children of divorcing parents.

Parental Alienation Syndrome

There are multiple explanations for parental rejection in separated and divorcing families. In this dynamic, children and the parents they reject often struggle over a declining relationship and dissipating contact.

Do not take any actions based upon the information contained within this web site without first consulting an attorney or an appropriate professional depending upon the content of the information.

Divorce HQ has additional sites that provide: Alimony Information, Child Support Information

© 1999, JT Spaulding Associates, LLC