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Taking the Stigma Out of Divorce

Westfield Mediation, LLC
© Copyright 2016

Getting divorced is common and can happen to anyone, at any stage in one's life. With almost half of all marriages ending in divorce, the decision to separate should not be something that causes couples any embarrassment. Indeed, Pope Francis's recent inclusion of divorced Catholics in the Communion ceremony should help take some of the stigma out of divorce. Divorce may be the best solution to a failing marriage; and divorce mediation may be the best approach for getting there.

At Westfield Mediation, LLC, we provide our clients with valuable information about getting divorced. In mediation, we guide them through the process of creating a comprehensive parenting and financial plan for the future that works for their particular family.

As part of the divorce mediation process, we explain that getting divorced is not only common, it may also be a positive step forward. Living in a home full of conflict and unhappiness is much more likely to have negative effects on the couple and their children than taking steps toward ending the marriage. By creating a more harmonious plan for moving forward, couples reduce the stress and drama that have an adverse impact on their family.

For more information about parenting plans, child support and divorce mediation, please contact Randi M. Albert, JD or Michelle Weinberg, LMFT at Westfield Mediation, LLC, by phone 908-913-0373, or email us at or View our website

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