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Same Sex Divorce

Westfield Mediation, LLC
©Copyright 2015

Divorce mediation is a valuable alternative to litigation for everyone - both opposite-sex divorcing couples and same-sex divorcing couples. While the United States Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide last week, in New Jersey, same-sex marriage has been the law of the land since 2013. And in New Jersey, same-sex married couples who want to divorce follow the same process as opposite-sex married couples.

At Westfield Mediation, LLC, we help divorcing couples reach agreements on parenting, child support, division of assets and debts and spousal support. For many couples, mediation is a better path than litigation because it saves time and money, and it allows spouses to work together to create an agreement that works for their family.

While the general divorce process is the same for all divorcing couples, as part of their divorce, some same-sex couples may have to contend with additional issues. For example, if they had a civil union before they were married, steps must be taken to terminate this union as well. In addition, depending on how they created their family, they may need to clarify some parenting issues regarding the children of the marriage. All of these concerns can be addressed in a mediated divorce

For more information about Divorce Mediation contact Randi M. Albert, JD, or Michelle Weinberg, LMFT, at Westfield Mediation, LLC, at(908) 913-0373 or or View our website

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