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Moving Forward in a Fair and Sensible Way

Westfield Mediation, LLC
©Copyright 2017

Divorce mediation helps clients resist the impulse to give in to unreasonable demands just to "get it all over with". Most people who decide to get divorced take a while to reach the point where they are ready. And in many cases, by the time people decide that they are ready to pursue a divorce, they are worn down or overwhelmed. At Westfield Mediation, LLC, we find that divorcing couples are anxious about how they are going set up a new life. With all this uncertainty and stress, it can be difficult to work together to create a future plan.

A key benefit of divorce mediation is that we break the divorce process down into manageable steps, so it is no longer as overwhelming. Moreover, divorce mediators help you through it, so you don't have to figure everything out on your own. The mediator's job is to serve as an impartial guide through an often emotional process.

Divorce mediators ensure that the process is fair and complete – so that both parties' interests are met. We work with you to avoid the bad agreements that are made when one person gives in just because he or she is tired of arguing. The mediation sessions focus on the future, rather than on the reasons that the relationship has broken down. Indeed, because the parenting and financial agreements have far-reaching consequences, it is important to think beyond the past and the present to design a plan that will work for both of you and your family going forward.

For more information about parenting plans or divorce mediation, please contact Randi M. Albert, JD, or Michelle Weinberg, LMFT, at Westfield Mediation, LLC, at(908) 913-0373 or or View our website

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