Ohio Divorce Support GroupsYou're having a rough time handling your separation or divorce. Your family and friends are naturally sympathetic. Initially that's ok, but eventually you are going to want or need more support than that. You may choose to seek therapy, and that's a good option. Sometimes you may need just to talk to someone who is in the same situation as you. Your answer might be with a support group. Various organizations have support groups for separated and divorced people. Some are religious, others are non sectarian. Some are social, others are emotional. These groups can be a good place to find support, compassion and companionship from people who know first hand what you're going through. One word of caution concerning support groups, they are not therapists, and everybody's situation is different. They should be there to offer support, not advice. Always get your advice from an attorney.
Akron Divorce Support Groups
Divorce Recovery Workshop in Akron The Chapel,135 Fir Hill Akron, OH 44304 (330)315-5501 The Chapel in Akron hosts a Divorce Recovery Workshop every spring and fall, Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. Spring session begins second Thursday in April; Fall session begins second Thursday in September. This eight-week workshop provides support and instruction on vital recovery issues, bringing help, hope and healing. The Chapel in Akron is located at 135 Fir Hill in Akron, Ohio at the corner of Route 8 and Buchtel Avenue.
Contact: Chris Isler Visit Website
Canton Divorce Support Groups
DivorceCare Church of the Lakes 5944 Fulton Dr. NW Canton, OH (330)499-8972 13 week sessions including videos by DivorceCare, plus discussion in a support group fashion to help bring healing and hope. Groups meet on Friday evenings, sessions are held spring and fall
Contact: Pastor Nancy Conley Visit Website
Canton Divorce Support Groups
Divorce Recovery Workshop First Friends Church 2130 31st St NW Canton, OH 44709 (330)492-6333 8-week workshop featuring help, hope and healing for those struggling and hurting from divorce. Held each spring and fall. Thursdays at 7:00 pm. About 100 attend. Topics: Is There Life After Divorce?, Will The Pain Go Away?, How Can I Cope With My Ex?, What's Ahead For Me?, Can I Put The Past Behind Me?, Does Singleness Mean Loneliness?, How Can I Make Sure This Doesn't Happen To Me Again?, Where Do I Go From Here? Also available: Divorce Recovery for Kids, Single Parenting Workshop, Successful Relationships Workshop, Grief Recovery Workshop, Single Living classes.
Contact: Craig Henry, Singles Pastor Visit Website
Cleveland Divorce Support Groups
Divorce Care / Divorce Care for Kids 4004 Cypress Ave. Cleveland, OH 44109 (216)376-3636 We meet every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Why Divorce Care For Kids? Did you know that over 30% of all children in Ohio live in a single parent home? Divorce leaves them hurting, confused and isolated. The experience for them is very traumatic and causes pain that lasts for months and even years. It affects their home life, school life, social life and even their future work and family life. Divorce Care: Most people will tell you that separation and divorce are the most painful and stressful experiences they've ever faced. It's a confusing time when you feel isolated and have lots of questions about issues you've never faced before. Divorce Care meets weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life.
Contact: Pastor James Dunn
Pataskala Divorce Support Groups
DivorceCare 13260 Morse Rd. Pataskala, OH 43062 (740)927-2281 We invite anyone who is hurting from separation or divorce to attend our next DivorceCare group and if you have children ages 5-12 we will have DivorceCare 4 Kids (DC4K) as well. Our next group is starting Wednesday September 10 and will meet for 13 weeks. DivorceCare meets from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm. and DC4K meets from 6:30pm until 8:30pm. This is a Christian based program but church attendance/membership is not required and we welcome everyone. Childcare is available for children under 5. Please call to register so we will be adequately staffed! Those that facilitate the class have been divorced themselves and are there to offer you support. This 13 week series of DVD's and discussion is stand-alone, so if you miss a meeting you can catch up the next week. Please call or email with any questions
Contact: Becky and Gary Kinser Visit Website
South Point Divorce Support Groups
Picket Fences Divorce Recovery Ministry South Point, OH We are a non-denominational network of Christian women who have "been-there-done-that-lived-through-it" who are here to offer support to other women who are starting out on this horrific journey. PFDRM has a system of online support networks dedictated to helping women navigate the pain and trauma that divorce brings.
Contact: Debra Evans-Pieplow Visit Website
South Point Divorce Support Groups
Picket Fences Divorce Recovery Ministries South Point, OH 45680 PFDRM is a women-only divorce recovery support group which is currently on-line only (subject to change). Visit our website for more information on the support group formats that we offer. You do not have to go through this alone...we are here to listen. Joel 2:25 "God will repay us for the years the locust have eaten"
Contact: Lisa Daniels Visit Website
Warren Divorce Support Groups
Divorce Recovery Workshop North-Mar Church 3855 East Market Street Warren, OH 44484 (330)638-1882 Workshops are held each spring and fall and run for 8 consecutive Monday evenings from 7:00PM to 9:00PM. The Workshop is open to everyone who is divorced or separated, regardless of religious background or church affiliation. Small group sessions are used so you meet others who share the divorce experience. The Workshop is designed to help you deal with the devastation and pain of divorce, and to set you on a positive path to the future.
Contact: Joe Davenport Visit Website
Wauseon Divorce Support Groups
DivorceCare 15311 County Road F Wauseon, OH 43567 (419)337-4776 DivorceCare will begin the 13 week course on Sept 11 at 7:00 pm at West Clinton Mennonite Church, 18011 County Road C, Wauseon OH 43567. Child care will be provided.
Contact: Jane Sauder
DivorceHQ.com and JT Spaulding Associates makes no representation, guarantee, or warranty (express or implied) as to the purpose, ability, competence, affiliation or quality of the support groups which are listed herein. DivorceHQ.com and JT Spaulding Associates shall have neither liability nor responsibility for the results or consequences for any participation with any of the support groups listed in this web site. Miscellaneous Divorce Related ArticlesDomestic Abuse Orders for Protection in Minnesota - Domestic abuse is defined as any of the following committed against a family or household member. The domestic abuse order for protection is only available to the family and household members of the abuser. ... Family Anti-Terrorism - A New Weapon in Domestic Violence Law - New York State Legislature enacted The Family Protection and Domestic Violence Intervention Act which confronts, and allows for the opportunity to acknowledge, domestic violence ... New Jersey Domestic Violence - In 1982, the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act, codified at N.J.S.A. 2C:25-17, was enacted to address domestic abuse and provide civil remedies for domestic violence victims ... New Jersey Premarital and Cohabitation Agreements - Premarital agreement or antenuptial agreement may be used by a couple to determine, prior to marriage, what each party's rights and obligations will be in the event of divorce. ... Paternity in Minnesota - The days of factual disputes over paternity are long gone, as the issue of biological paternity is now decided by DNA, which is hard to argue with. ... |
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