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Category Archives: Getting Started
How to Prepare for a Peaceful Divorce
I was recently invited to collaborate on an expert panel and share some insights on how to prepare for divorce and keep it peaceful. Here are my best tips: The first tip I would offer would be to do some … Continue reading
Posted in Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Getting Started
Tagged Divorce, getting started, mediaton
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Hiring a Divorce Attorney
You’ve made the decision to get a divorce. Now it’s time to hire a divorce attorney. More than likely you’ve never had to hire a divorce lawyer; maybe you’ve never had to hire any type of attorney before. So where … Continue reading
Posted in Divorce, Divorce Attorney, Getting Started
Tagged ask the right questions, Divorce, hiring a divorce attorney
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What if only one half of the couple wants to get divorced?
Divorce for One, Please
Westfield Mediation, LLC
© 2013
What if only one half of the couple wants to get divorced?
As divorce mediators, we often hear this question. Generally, both people know that their marriage is rocky. But often, only one spouse feels ready to end it. The reasons vary – maybe one person is more willing to deal with conflict than the other, or one person feels more ready to start fresh. Sometimes, it just takes one person longer than the other to accept that it is not working out. Still, as we tell our divorce mediation clients, if one spouse wants a divorce, it will usually happen. It may just take longer and be more complicated than if both parties agree.
Legally, the divorce process begins when one spouse files a divorce complaint in court. And even if the other party never responds, the divorce can still go forward. This kind of “divorce by default” is doable, but it’s not in either party’s best interest because the agreement doesn’t include the kind of compromises that ensure that both people will follow through. It also involves expensive, time-consuming litigation.
View the entire article here: Divorce for One, Please
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Ten Questions to Ask a Divorce Lawyer BEFORE Hiring Them
If you’re considering divorce, hiring the right divorce attorney is crucial. Just how do you decide who is a “good” lawyer for you? What questions should you be asking when you interview them and what answers should you be looking … Continue reading
Posted in Divorce, Getting Started
Tagged ask the right questions, getting started, hiring a divorce attorney
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Limited Scope Representation in Divorce
Limited scope representation (LSR) also known as “unbundled representation” and “limited scope assistance” is when the client and attorney select specific services to be provided rather than the “full package” of services that are traditionally offered by law firms. It’s … Continue reading
Who would’ve ever thought?
If anybody would have told me back in 1995 that I would be part owner of a successful divorce information web site, blogging about divorce I would have told them they were crazy. But here I am! So welcome to … Continue reading