Sometimes couples come to divorce mediation in a hurry to get through the process. Maybe they have been thinking about it for a long time, and now are ready to just get it done. They may have financial or emotional reasons to finish quickly.
In other cases, couples move slowly – taking their time through the steps to make sure that they know how they want their agreement to look, or spacing out the appointments in a way that works for their budgets. Sometimes it takes a while for both spouses to get on the same page, so there are delays of weeks or months as they move forward.
For clients who go through divorce mediation at Westfield Mediation, LLC, the process generally takes 4 - 6 sessions with a mediator. Most people schedule the meetings 2-3 weeks apart, to give themselves time to gather information and materials, and to think about things. In our experience, it can be useful to have some down time in between sessions to give yourselves time to consider the issues and your options. After the divorcing couple reaches an agreement, they have to file with the Court and wait for a hearing with a judge, which adds another two to three months to the process.
So how long does divorce mediation take? Start to finish, the divorce mediation process can be as short as a few weeks or as long as several months. Divorce mediation can move more quickly than litigation because you have the advantage of working together with one mediator which naturally speeds up the process. But, really, the overall pace depends on you.